Saturday, June 8, 2013

Of Wolves and Idiots

Ugh. If the government has its way, wolves are about to loose all federal protections. Article. I've been following this for a while now. It's yet another good example of why stupid people should not be allowed in positions of authority. I know a lot of people don't care, but I've always loved wolves and been sickened by their virtual eradication from this country. So, only very recently have they been able to reintroduce a small number of wolves into a tiny portion of what used to be their natural habitat, and even that was rigorously opposed. Now, all the ranchers, hunters, etc. have been moaning, bitching, and leaning on the right people, so that tiny bit of progress at beginning to bring a more natural sized wolf population back into the USA is about to go up in smoke. Wolf hunting has already been legal in several states as it is, with 1,000s being killed for sport (or what they call management, though these wolf populations are so small already there isn't actually any need to "thin their numbers"). So it's just a thinly veiled excuse for "I want to kill it!". Aren't humans great? "I don't like it! It looks dangerous, and it might mess with my stuff! Let's kill it, kill them all!" Wolves where roaming here long before us. This was and still should be, their natural habitat. There is no reason we can't coexist with wildlife. I really don't get how anyone can look at such a beautiful animal and kill it, unless they're sick in the head. I'm afraid if things don't change, wolves (along with lots of other wild animals) are only going to be found in museums and history books.

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